Még mindig az 1973-as Utazás albumon tartunk, annak címadó nótája következik. Ez azonban már minden szempontból a Fonográf dalának tekinthető: a zenekar rendszeresen az Utazás dallamaira lépett színpadra, egyik hangszer a másik után. Így történt ez legutóbb, 2004-ben is.
A dalról nehéz lenne szuperlatívuszok nélkül beszélni. "Szörényi kezében kinyílik a varázsdoboz", fogalmazott a WAN2 kritikusa néhány évvel ezelőtt. Valóban káprázatos, ahogyan a hat perces nótában hangról-hangra bontakozik ki a Grand Tour panorámája -- nem csak a meglátogatott tájak és városok, hanem az emberi találkozások és a nagy rácsodálkozások lassan extázissá fokozódó, és onnan ifjonti bölcsességgel lecsengő élménye.
Személyes adalék: ezt a dalt valószínűleg többet gitározgattam, mint bármelyik másikat életemben. De most először angolul, a januári nyárban.
On a lovely morning I kissed my mother good-bye in the door
Then a few hours later I bid my homeland farewell on the roll
I was riding high, until I crashed down
It was only half past ten
But I called it a day for
Repairs at Sankt Pölten
The next day I drove on, the old girl was speeding in the breeze
Still I was not offended when overtaken by a Mercedes
Brussels was my goal, I pushed it to the floor
And got there on all four wheels
Then I washed down the day
With friends and a few good beers
The first rays of sunshine caught me roaming down by the Seine
Listening to good records hanging out in Left Bank cafés
There I was in Paris, talking to a stranger
Who had a sleepy smile
He put a box in my hand
Insisting that I should try
Then a few days later I had to push back five hundred miles more
Night fell upon me as I arrived and stood there on the shore
The roar of the ocean breaking up the cliffside
Struck me with all its might
Really making we wonder
What is a human life?
The skies grew ever brighter as I was moving south into Spain
Passing tiny houses and barren landscapes thirsting for the rain
The town of Huesca was readying for a bullfight
And peope came pouring in
For the cruel old excitement of
Death in the afternoon
Saint Tropez was toasting and I got badly roasted everywhere
But all those God made bodies made me think that I just should not care
I was blown away by Niece and Monte Carlo's
Riches that blind the eye
But if it's true love you're after
Feel free to pass it by
I was driving farther up into the mountains through the clouds
Snowfields in summer made me feel like I'd reached higher ground
But I was deeply longing for my cosy homeplace
So I gave it a final thrust
Now I'm sharing with you
My summer of wanderlust
Magyar szöveg és harmóniamenet.